Tuesday, April 15

If I can just survive the week...

Then life will be so much better. I have already stayed up late for the past two nights and it looks like I will be doing the same thing for the rest of the week. This means waking up at the normal time (which is no later than 9:30) but going to bed at midnight or later. I just hope I don't get sick. But this is what I must do if I wish to really be able to finish the week. Friday is the presentation on Burma, which I will devote a small post about Burma later (or a series, it really requires that). In the meantime, I am struggling to catch up on my Because It's Japan blog. I'm doing my best. Trouble is, my best is essentially... blah.

So, check out the because it's japan blog, and be waiting for a post on Burma. My book-shopping trip has been postponed, which is probably a good thing because it means I won't be distracted with reading this month. Anyway, I have replaced it with bon-dancing, which is a traditional Japanese dance. We get a free yukatta fitting (a yukatta is a very basic version of kimono) and we get to learn bon-dancing, end of story. :) I am looking forward to it. Busy weekend? Yes! No rest? Nah, sleep is for losers!

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